Source: Government of Greece, UN Children's Fund
Country: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Greece, Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, World
Key Facts
2,150 Estimated number of UAC currently in Greece based on analysis from referrals to EKKA (as of 15 May 2017)
1,294 Total number of places available in UAC shelters (filled, pending assigned cases as of 15 May, including 113 vacant places in the process to be filled)
1,013 Total number of UAC on waiting list for shelter (as of 15 May) including:
173 in Reception and Identification Centers
61 in protective custody
Waiting list does not include referrals of unknown location carried out during pre-registration exercise. Waiting list includes also separated children.
6,683 Total number of UAC referrals to EKKA from 1 Jan 2016 to 15 May 2017.
Out of the total:
6,183 boys (93%)
500 girls (8%)
429 <14 years old (6%)