European Commission - Fact Sheet
Brussels, 6 October 2015
Updated with the most recent data available on 6 October 2015
The Global Approach on Migration and Mobility (GAMM) adopted in 2011 provides the general framework for the EU engagement in migration in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood.
It identifies four domains for action: legal migration and mobility; fight against irregular migration; asylum and international protection; migration and development.
The Global Approach on Migration and Mobility (GAMM) adopted in 2011 provides the general framework for the EU engagement in migration in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood and identifies four domains for action: legal migration and mobility; fight against irregular migration; asylum and international protection; migration and development.
The EU's international engagement on migration in this region is therefore multi-faceted. It stems from the commitment to address root causes of displacement and forced migration by the use of foreign policy tools, including prevention and resolution of conflicts, enhancing the nexus between migration and development and by mainstreaming migration into development programmes, while also addressing human rights abuses and strengthening migrants' and refugee rights.
The EU's approach to addressing migratory challenges in its support to its Southern neighbours is in particular drawing on the following foreign policy instruments:
1/political dialogue and technical and financial support to Southern Neighbourhood partner countries,
2/regional frameworks encompassing Mediterranean and African countries,
3/ contribution to tackling security crises and conflicts having an impact on migratory flows, the latter of concern in particular for Libya and Syria.
By doing so, the EU's approach combines a wide range of financial instruments acting in a complementary way, drawing on the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), thematic funds related to migration and asylum under the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), and a series of other instruments, ranging from humanitarian aid to Home Affairs Funds (in particular the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund/AMIF) and Common Security and Defence Policy actions. Programmes developed jointly with Member States are also a growing feature of the EU support on migration (in particular the programmes put in place in the framework of the Mobility Partnerships with Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and the assistance to Syria).
The total amount of on-going EU support specifically on migration in the EU's Southern Neighbourhood region amounts to approximately €192 million.